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Seminar “Raptors Conservation”
November 14, 2019 to November 16, 2019
Castro Verde

++++ Abstract book available HERE ++++


+++ See some photos HERE +++


Date: From 14th to 16th of November, 2019
Location: Cineteatro of Castro Verde, in Portugal


The Organizing Committee of the Seminar "Raptors Conservation" is pleased to invite you to participate in this event which is under the framework of LIFE Imperial Project "Conservation of the Iberian Eagle (Aquila adalberti) in Portugal", and that will take place in Castro Verde (Portugal), from November the 14th to 16th, 2019.

This Seminar aims to be an international meeting about the conservation of True Eagles, Vultures and other birds of prey. Its main goals are the dissemination of the results obtained under the LIFE Imperial Project and the exchange of international knowledge and experience concerning the various species, which will allow a more efficient conservation of raptors, particularly eagles and vultures.


The event will include plenary sessions, oral presentations and posters, as well as other activities, such as field trips, workshops and exhibitions. Furthermore, some cultural moments will be presented. The target audience are researchers, biologists, veterinarians, students, authorities and the general public.

The main language of the Seminar will be Portuguese; however some communications may occur in English or Spanish.

Participation is free but limited, thus has a mandatory registration.



The Seminar will take place at the Municipally Cineteatro of Castro Verde. This space is located in the centre of the village of Castro Verde, Beja, Portugal.


Municipally Cineteatro of Castro Verde
Praça da Liberdade
7780-134 Castro Verde
Coordinates GPS: 37.6996319, -8.0860456


Coffee breaks and the poster exhibition will be held at the premises of the Castrense Senior Association (next to the Cineteatro), which also supports this Seminar. Thank you very much!




The Seminar will include two days with 30-minute plenary sessions from guest speakers, followed by 15-minute oral presentations. The posters will be displayed throughout the event, having specific sessions during the coffee breaks. The third day will be devoted to a set of additional activities.


November 14th, Thursday


9:00 – Reception of participants


9:30 – Opening Session
10:00 – “LIFE Imperial: 5 years of Iberian Imperial Eagle conservation in Portugal”
Paulo Marques (LPN)


Panel "Conservation of Imperial Eagles"

10:15 – “Conservation of Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Hungary”
Keynote speaker: Márton Horváth (MME)
10:45 – The Iberian Imperial Eagle in Portugal
Vítor Encarnação (ICNF)

11:00 – Questions & Discussion


11:15 – Coffee Break (Posters Session)


Panel “Conservation of the Iberian Imperial Eagle on the Iberian Peninsula”

11:45 – “Conservation of Spanish Imperial Eagle in Andalusia (Spain)”
Keynote speaker: José R. Garrido (Junta de Andalusia) - replaced by Agustín Madero
12:15 – “Mortality of Iberian Imperial Eagle in Portugal (2003-2017)”
Liliana Barosa (LPN)
12:30 – “Tagging program of Iberian Imperial Eagle population in Portugal”
Carlos Carrapato (ICNF)

12:45 – Questions & Discussion


13:00 – Lunch time


Panel “Threats, minimization measures and conservation actions"
15:00 – “Present status of the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti in Castilla-La Mancha region (Central Spain)”
Juan Pablo Castaño (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha)
15:15 – “Objectives and preliminary results of the PannonEagle LIFE project”
Márton Horváth (MME)
15:30 – “LIFE Rupis - Conservation of the Bonelli’s Eagle and Egyptian Vulture in Douro Internacional”
Julieta Costa (SPEA)
15:45 – “Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus recolonization of South-eastern Portugal after targeted conservation efforts”
Eduardo Santos (LPN)
16:00 – “Supplementary feeding: New strategies to improve the conservation of endangered avian scavengers”
Iván Gutiérrez (Palombar)

16:15 – Questions & Discussion


16:30 – Coffee Break (Posters Session)


17:00 – “Project LIFE LINES: “Eco esteira horizontal”, an innovative solution for minimizing bird electrocution and collision problems in electricity power lines”
Samuel Infante (Quercus)
17:15 – “Bird electrocution in power line network pylons: What bio-ecological factors influence electrocution?”
Jaime Sousa (SPEA)
17:30 – “Minimization of electrocution risk in priority areas for the Iberian Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti)”
Hugo Lousa (LPN)

17:45 – Questions & Discussion


18:00 – “Talk shop”: LIFE Imperial
18:30 – Tribute to the "Imperial Eagle Guardians"

19:00 – End of the work day


20:00 – Seminar Dinner

November 15th, Friday


Panel "Treatment and rehabilitation"
9:30 – “Treatment and rehabilitation of birds of prey in GREFA”
Keynote speaker: Fernando González (GREFA)
10:00 – “Intestinal parasites found on a Spanish Imperial Eagle nestling (Aquila adalberti) admitted in a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Central Eastern Portugal”
Filipa Lopes (CERAS/Quercus)
10:15 – “Rehabilitation and release of an Iberian Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti fledgling”
Verónica Bogalho (Lx-CRAS)
10:30 – “Management and resolution of torticollis in raptors admitted to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre of HVUTAD”
Susana Cristina Mendes (CRAS-HVUTAD)

10:45 – Questions & Discussion


11:00 – Coffee Break (Posters Session)


Panel "Education, Awareness and Communication"

11:30 – “Can Environmental Education Actions change public attitudes towards Biodiversity?”
Keynote speaker: Eunice Sousa (CIIMAR)
12:00 – “Partnerships in Environmental Education at SPEA. The case of LIFE Rupis: conservation of Egyptian Vulture and Bonelli’s Eagle in the Douro Valley”
Vanessa Oliveira (SPEA)
12:15 – “LIFE-Relict: Public Awareness and Dissemination”
Cristina Baião (UÉvora)
12:30 – “Environmental Education in LIFE Imperial”
Paulo Marques (LPN)

12:45 – Questions & Discussion


13:00 – Lunch time

Panel "Remote Tracking"

15:00 – “Encouraging the recovery of the endangered Spanish Imperial Eagle: the reintroduction program in Andalusia”
Keynote speaker: Miguel Ferrer (EBD-CSIC)
15:30 – “What’s up with the Iberian imperial eagle teens? Movements and distribution during the dispersal phase”
Ana Teresa Marques (cE3c)
15:45 – “Before departure: perch use by Iberian-imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) juveniles during the post-fledging dependence period”
Rita Ramos (cE3c)

16:00 – Questions & Discussion


16:15 – Coffee Break (Posters Session)


16:45 – “First study of the juvenile dispersion of the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Tejo Internacional Natural Park, Portugal”
Alfonso Godino  (Hawk Mountain Sanctuary)
17:00 – “Telemetry for the Egyptian Vultures of cross-border Douro/Duero river”
Julieta Costa (SPEA)
17:15 – “Characterization of poison use in Baixo Alentejo: the experience of RIAS and the largest case of poisoning in the district’s history”
Maria Casero (RIAS/Aldeia)

17:30 – Questions & Discussion


17:45 – Closing Session

November 16th, Saturday


9:00 – Visit to the Castro Verde and Vale d Guadiana SPAs (Meeting point: bus station)


13:00 – Lunch time


15:00 – Demonstration of the dog team for poison detection (Meeting point: bus station)
16:00 – Guided tour in the exhibition “The Iberian Imperial Eagle” (Tourist office)






Fernando González


Fernando González graduated as a veterinarian at the Complutense University of Madrid. Worked with the oiled bird rescue group during the Prestige disaster. He has been director in the Wildlife Hospital of GREFA (Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat), in Madrid, since 2003. He provides veterinary assistance to various reintroduction projects for Cinereous Vulture, Golden Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Lesser Kestrel and Griffon Vulture.

He is an honorary collaborator in teaching at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Pharmacy and Toxicology). He is a member of the GMCAE-AVEPA (Group of Specialty in Medicine and Surgery of Exotic Animals - Association of Spanish Veterinarians Specialists in Small Animals) and AAV (Association of Avian Veterinarians).



Miguel Ferrer


Miguel Ferrer is a Research Professor in Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and works on the Biological Station of Doñana (EBD). He was director at large of the Raptor Research Foundation (US) and is president of Migres Foundation since 2003. In 2012 he was appointed Institutional Coordinator of CSIC in Andalucía. He has been award the Frank and Frederick Hamestron 2005 Award for excellence in scientific research and conservation of birds of prey and the Watson Raptor Price Science award 2013, among other distinctions. 

Since 1992, the team led by Miguel Ferrer has participated in numerous projects to evaluate demographic parameters of the Iberian Imperial Eagle and to establish mitigation on their artificial factors of mortality. He has also participated in drafting the recovery plan of the Imperial Eagle and Osprey reintroduction in Andalucía.



José Rafael Garrido


José RafaeI Garrido has worked in the area of conservation biology for nearly 20 years in the Regional Government of Andalucía. He has extensive experience working closely with public agencies and civil society related to environmental management, specifically with wildlife conservation.

He has been developing and implementing Threatened Species Action Plans, such as Spanish Imperial Eagle, Osprey, White-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala) or Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris), among other species. José Rafael Garrido has also been working in ex-situ conservation strategies, especially captivity breeding and successful reintroduction programmes of Imperial Eagle, as well as monitoring the reintroduced populations of Osprey.



Márton Horváth

Márton Horváth is the species conservation manager of BirdLife Hungary. He is the national coordinator of Eastern imperial eagle conservation since 2001 and he was also coordinating the national programs against electrocution (2006-2011) and illegal poisoning of birds (2006-2017). He was the project manager of three LIFE projects targeting the conservation of imperial eagles in Hungary and neighboring countries between 2002 and 2019.


He wrote his PhD thesis about the habitat selection and population biology of imperial eagles in Hungary. He was directly involved in international research projects on the population monitoring, genetics and satellite-tracking of eastern imperial eagles in 11 foreign countries.



Eunice Sousa


Eunice Sousa is a Biologist with a PhD in Science Communication. Her main interests are developing strategies for the public awareness of biodiversity through autonomous nature exploration and boost artistic and traditional communication channels to the demands of contemporary science communication.

She specialized in the direct contact with nature and the use of children trade books to the development of a more positive public perception of biodiversity. She has experience in creating, executing and evaluating science communication programs including media, hands/on activities, citizen science and exhibitions as well as natural history manipulation for museology purposes.

She contributed to several types of science communication projects including “Darwin’s Evolution” exhibition, “Ponds with Life” campaign, EC-funded LIFE+ Trachemys project and “Sea Food Chains” project. Her work in science communication is reported in international journal papers.



This Seminar will include communications on the following topics:
1) Raptors Conservation including habitat management measures
2) Remote monitoring and Raptors Conservation
3) Treatment and recovery of Raptors
4) Electrical power lines and the danger of electrocution
5) Illegal use of poisons
6) Education, awareness-raising and stakeholder involvement
7) Other relevant topics for Raptors Conservation


The Seminar will have presentations done by invited speakers and oral or written communications (in a poster format) submitted by participants.

Therefore, the submission of abstracts for oral presentations and posters is now open. The abstracts must be prepared in Portuguese* and English, using the template in Microsoft Word format available HERE, and the submission must be done by email lpn.cea-castroverde@lpn.pt. All information on abstracts can be found HERE.

*Authors that do not speak the Portuguese language should only submit the abstract in English.

The evaluation and selection process of abstracts will be made by the Scientific Committee. Submissions will be evaluated within one month after submission deadline and participants will be informed about the outcome of their submissions evaluation by email.


The presentation in the Seminar of the selected abstracts implies the registration of one of the authors or speaker HERE.

Accepted abstracts will be included in the Seminar abstract book, to be distributed by the participants and later made available on the Internet.

NEW deadline for abstracts submission: 30th September, 2019

Oral communications:
- Oral communications (in Portuguese, English or Spanish) will have a maximum time limit of 15 minutes (followed by a moment of debate/questions after each block of 3-4 presentations).

- Posters must be presented in Portuguese or English and will have specific presentation periods during coffee breaks.



Registration at the Seminar is free but limited and mandatory. Registration includes admission to the scientific and cultural program, seminar materials and coffee breaks. Meals are not included.

Registration must be done through the online form (HERE). After registration, participants will receive confirmation of their registration via email.


  • Paulo Marques (LPN)
  • Liliana Barosa (LPN)
  • Hugo Lousa (LPN)
  • Rita Alcazar (LPN)
  • David Marques (CMCV)

Paulo Marques

LPN - Liga para a Protecção da Natureza


Luis Palma

CIBIO/InBio, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Laboratório Associado


Catarina Ferreira

Global Species & Key Biodiversity Areas Programme/ European Regional Office
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)


João Paulo Silva

CIBIO/InBio, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Laboratório Associado, Universidade do Porto and

Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa


Nuno Pedroso
ICAAM - Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas, Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada, Universidade de Évora and
FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Ricardo Brandão

CERVAS - Centro de Ecologia, Recuperação e Vigilância de Animais Selvagens/Associação ALDEIA


Registration (deadline: 31st october 2019): HERE

Abstracts Submission Deadline: 30th September, 2019

How to get there: PDF available HERE


Where to park: some suggestions HERE

Where to sleep: consult HERE and map HERE (PDF available HERE)

Where to eat: consult HERE and map HERE (PDF available HERE)

Contacts and information: 925068990 | 286328309 | lpn.cea-castroverde@lpn.pt

Follow the news in the Facebook event (HERE)